Online Resources
- 4 Korners Family Resource Centre
- African Canadian Development & Prevention Network
- Agape Association Inc.
- Almage
- ARC - Assistance and Referral Centre
- BCRC - Black Community Resource Centre
- CAMI -Council for Anglophone Magdalen Islanders
- CanAge
- Canadian Medication Appropriateness & Deprescribing Network
- CASA - Community for Anglophone Social Action
- Catholic Action Montreal
- CHSSN - Community Health & Social Services Network
- Coasters Association
- Concordia University ACT Project (Ageing + Communication + Technologies)
- Concordia University Alumni Association
- Connexions Resource Centre
- Contactivity Centre
- Cummings Jewish Centre for Seniors
- Cyber-Seniors
- Éducaloi
- English Community Organization of Lanaudière
- English Language Arts Network (ELAN)
- Eva Marsden Centre for Social Justice and Aging
- Extra Miles Senior Visiting Program
- FAAFC - Fédération des aînés et aînées francophones du Canada
- FADOQ - Fédération de l'âge d'or du Québec
- Gay and Grey Montreal
- Hear Québec
- Jeffery Hale Partners and the Wellness Centre
- Literacy Quebec
- MCW - Montreal Council of Women
- McGill Life Long Learning
- Montérégie East Partnership for the English-speaking Community (MEPEC)
- Montérégie West Community Network
- “My Tool Box", MUHC Chronic Disease Self-Management Program
- Neigbours Assocition Rouyn-Noranda
- New Hope Seniors Centre
- NSCA- North Shore Community Association
- NOVA Montréal
- Pastoral Home Care (SASMAD)
- QCGN - Quebec Community Groups Network
- RAWQ - Regional Association of West Quebecers
- REISA – The East Island Network for English Language Services
- Regional Development Network
- Saint-Antoine Community Centre 50+
- Saint Columba House
- Table de concertation des aînés de l'Île de Montréal
- The Council for Black Aging Community of Montreal Inc. (CBAC)
- The Yellow Door:
- VEQ – Voices of English Quebec
- VISION Gaspé - Percé Now
- West Island Community Resource Centre
- WIN Intergenerational Network
Federal Government websites
- Federal/Provincial/Territorial Ministers Responsible for Seniors Forum
- Government of Canada: Programs and Services for Seniors
- Information about Canada Pension Plan (CPP)
- Information about Canada Pension Plan Disability Benefits
- Information about Old Age Security Pension (OAS)
- Information about The Guaranteed Income Supplement (GIS) – A monthly non-taxable benefit to Old Age Security (OAS) pension recipients who have a low income and are living in Canada
- Information about Allowance Benefits for people aged 60 to 64 who are the spouse or common-law partner of a Guaranteed Income Supplement (GIS) recipient.
- Information about Allowance for the Survivor – A benefit available to people aged 60 to 64 who have a low income, who are living in Canada, and whose spouse or common-law partner has died
- Information about Federal tax credits for caregivers
- Information on Federal tax benefits for caregivers
- Information on New Horizons for Seniors Program
Provincial Government websites
- Bien comprendre le bail et sa portée - Guide pratique à l'intention des exploitants de résidences privées pour aînés(In French only)
- Government of Quebec: Pamphlet: The Mistreatment of Older Adults is Unacceptable! Speak Up!
- Government of Quebec: Plan stratégique du ministère de la Santé et des Services sociaux 2019-2023 (In French only)
- Government of Quebec: Programs and Services for Seniors
- Information about Quebec’s Pension Plan
- Info-Santé 811 or call 811
- List of CLSCs in the Outaouais region (In French only)
- List of Integrated Health and Social Services Centres (CISSS) and Integrated University Health and Social Services Centre (CIUSS) categorized by region
- List of long-term care housing (CHSLDs) in the Outaouais region (In French only)
- List of online services available for Quebec’s Pension Plan
- Living with a loss of autonomy and services for seniors: List of services available in the Outaouais region
- Programme Québec ami des aînés
- Public Curator of Quebec
- Quebec Pension Plan: List of tax credits available to caregivers
- Quebec Pension Plan: List of tax credits available to seniors
- Well 50+: Services for Seniors at The Wellness Centre in Quebec City
Articles and Reports relating to issues concerning seniors
- Plan d'action gouvernemental pour contrer la maltraitance envers les personnes aînées
- Politique Vieillir et vivre ensemble, chez soi, dans sa communauté, au Québec
- Stratégie municipale pour les personnes aînées 2023-2030 (In French Only)
- Government of Quebec: Guide d'information du Programme Action Aînés du Québec - Édition 2021-2022 (In French Only)
- Government of Quebec: The Quebec Ombudsman's Final Report: COVID-19 in CHSLDs During the First Wave of the Pandemic
- Government of Quebec: Rapport annuel d’activités 2020-2021 du Protecteur du citoyen (In French only)
- Government of Quebec: Protecteur du citoyen: The Quebec Ombudsman's Status Report: COVID-19 in CHSLDs During the First Wave of the Pandemic
- Government of Quebec: Rapport annuel 2020-2021: Entente-cadre nationale et déploiement des processus d'intervention concertés pour lutter contre la maltraitance envers les personnes aînées. 1er avril 2020 au 31 mars 2021 (In French only)
- Government of Quebec: Rapport annuel 2020-2021:Loi visant à lutter contre la maltraitance envers les aînés et toute autre personne majeure en situation de vulnérabilité. Chapitre II - Politique de lutte contre la maltraitance. 1er avril 2020 au 31 mars 2021 (In French only)
- Government of Quebec: Statistiques et données :Données de la liste d'attente pour une place en centre d'hébergement de soins longue durée (CHSLD) (In French only)
- Government of Quebec: Politique d'hébergement et de soins et services de longue durée - Des milieux de vie qui nous ressemblent (In French only)
- Government of Quebec: Guide d'accompagnement pour la réalisation de la démarche Municipalité amie des aînés (2e édition) et sa boîte à outils (In French only)
- Government of Quebec: Programme de soutien à la démarche Municipalité amie des aînés - Volet 1 : Soutien à la réalisation de politiques et de plans d'action en faveur des aînés - Appel de projets 2021-2022 (In French only)
- Government of Quebec: Plan d'action gouvernemental pour contrer la maltraitance envers les personnes aînées 2022-2027 - Document de consultation - Appel de mémoires (In French Only)
- Government of Quebec Report: Cadre de reference: Concept Maisons des aînés et alternatives - Document d'orientation (In French only)
- Government of Quebec Report: 2021 Edition: Programs and Services for Seniors
- Government of Quebec Rapport annuel 2019-2020: Loi visant à lutter contre la maltraitance envers les aînés et toute autre personne majeure en situation de vulnérabilité. Chapitre II - Politique de lutte contre la maltraitance. 1er avril 2019 au 31 mars 2020 (In French only)
- Government of Quebec Rapport annuel 2019-2020: Entente-cadre nationale et déploiement des processus d'intervention concertés pour lutter contre la maltraitance envers les personnes aînées. 1er avril 2019 au 31 mars 2020 (In French only)
- Government of Quebec Information Sheet: Quebec CHSLD dental care and daily hygiene program - Services for residents
- Government of Quebec Booklet: If You Are Receiving Assistance - Home Care Services And The Service Employment Paycheque
- Government of Quebec Booklet: If You Are Providing Homecare Assistance To A Person With A Handicap Or Loss Of Independence: Home Care Services And The Service Employment Paycheque
- Government of Quebec Guide: Signing A Lease In A Private Seniors' Residence-A Simple And Practical Guide To Inform Future Lessees About Their Rights And Obligations
Community Health and Social Services (CHSSN) Report: Socio-Demographic Profile of the Population Aged 65 and Over (2019)
- Parliament of Canada: Special Senate Committee on Aging: Canada's Aging Population: Seizing the Opportunity, Final Report of the Special Senate Committee on Aging (2009)
- Parliament of Canada:Standing Senate Committee on Official Languages: The Vitality of Quebec's English-speaking Communities: From Myth to Reality (2011)
- CIUSS de la Capitale-Nationale Guidebook: Access to Public Long-term Care in the Greater Quebec City region (translated by Jeffery Hale Community Partners)
- Government of Quebec Report: Dying with Dignity (March 2012)
- Éducaloi: Short Guides With Information For Seniors Housing, Family Law, Fraud, Estate Planning, Health Care And Wills
- Éducaloi: Guide book: Caregivers: Practical Legal Tools
- Seniors Action Quebec: National Seniors Day Booklet 2013
- Santé Montréal: Documentation- Social Participation of Seniors (bilingual documents)
- Table de concertation des aînés de l’ïle de Montréal: Info Sheet on Seniors and Housing
Other Useful Links
- Canadian Deprescribing Network: 9 Tips to Manage Your Medications
- Elder Abuse Helpline or call 1-888-489-2287
- Tel-Aide (Bilingual Helpline) or call 514 935-1101
- Volunteer Bureau of Montreal
- Information and Referral Centre of Greater Montreal
- Travel4Health: Toolkit for English-speaking communities in the Gaspésie and the Magdalen Islands who travel out of region for medical services
- Community Health and Social Services (CHSSN) Baseline Data Reports