In the news

February 4, 2025

Senior Action Quebec is seeking a new Executive Director

Dear partners, stakeholders, friends and colleagues

We are writing to you all today to officially inform our extended membership, partners, colleagues and network, that Katia Toimil-Bramhall will be shortly stepping down as Executive Director of Seniors Action Quebec and that the organization has instituted a process to hire a new Executive Director.

While the board is disappointed that Katia will be leaving her position as Executive Director, we are instituting measures to ensure that Seniors Action Quebec continues to respect its obligations to our funders and that a smooth transition and onboarding process is established.

For more details on the Executive Director position

The deadline to apply is February 24. 2025.

More details and information will be shared shortly.

March 24, 2023

Seniors Action Quebec Welcomes Additional Support for Seniors and for the English-speaking Community Announced in Quebec Budget


Montréal - Seniors Action Quebec (SAQ) welcomes the Quebec government’s recognition of the particular needs of seniors, a continually increasing demographic, in its 2023-2024 budget. Its announcement of $2.0 billion over the next five years in support of health and social services, especially for seniors with diminishing autonomy, is a timely and necessary acknowledgement of systemic shortcomings. SAQ endorses and supports the prioritisation of the following areas of activity highlighted in the budget:

  • For seniors wishing to live at home, $963.5 million that will serve to increase the supply of home-support services, professional care, services for informal and family caregivers (e.g. respite) and technical support (e.g. adjustable beds};
  • For seniors needing adapted housing (e.g. seniors’ homes) $705.0 million that is allocated to ensure high quality and safe living environments;
  • For those government initiatives in support of seniors and informal or family caregivers that have been allocated $202.7 million to continue.

Seniors Action Quebec also welcomes the allocation of $31.5 million to the Secrétariat aux rélations avec les Québécois d’expression anglaise (SRQEA) in support of its mission to strengthen the vitality of Quebec’s English-speaking community.

The Quebec government has committed $26.5 million over the next five years to extend and improve programs aimed at supporting the capacity for action of community groups, institutions and partnership networks that support English-speaking communities throughout Quebec.

Another $5 million over the next three years will support existing community-based Wellness Centres for English-speaking seniors and allow for an expansion of points of service.

We are especially pleased that the Quebec government recognizes the particular needs of English-speaking seniors in this budget. English-speaking seniors represent a significant proportion of Quebec’s English-speaking population. Every effort that identifies and addresses the particular needs of this population contributes positively to the vitality of all communities in Quebec.

Seniors Action Quebec will continue to work in partnership and harmony with community groups, institutions and government agencies to identify needs, gaps and shortcomings in service offerings for English-speaking seniors. SAQ will propose solutions and policy alternatives that address these needs. We will monitor the implementation of the initiatives announced in this budget as they effect English-speaking seniors.

Seniors Action Quebec is a provincial not-for-profit organization that collaborates with, supports, and brings together English-language community organizations working to maintain and enhance the vitality, well-being and health of English-speaking Quebec seniors. We work with government to identify and address challenges and strategic issues faced by English-speaking seniors and to propose policy alternatives that best respond to these.

For further information:

Katia Toimil-Bramhall
Executive Director
Seniors Action Quebec
1857, Boul. de Maisonneuve Ouest
Montréal, QC
H3H 1J9

December 5, 2022

Seniors Action Quebec Announces Change to Board of Directors

Seniors Action Quebec (SAQ) held its Annual General Meeting on November 17, 2022. We are pleased to introduce the members of the 2022 - 2023 SAQ Board of Directors and Executive Committee.

The new members of the Board of Directors are:

Debbie Ford- Caron, Saguenay Lac-St-Jean
Dian Cohen, Eastern Townships
Sharon McCully, Eastern Townships
Deirdre Shipton, Lower Laurentians

Remaining on the Board of the Directors are:

Mona Beck, Montreal
Syeda Bukhari, Montérégie
Walter Duszara, Montreal
Darla Fortune, Montreal
Diane Lemay, Montérégie
Linda Marion, Abitibi-Témiscamingue
Richard Silver, Montreal,/p>

The Executive Committee members are:

Walter Duszara, President
Richard Silver, Vice-President
Dian Cohen, Treasurer
Diane Lemay, Secretary

“On behalf of all members and friends of Seniors Action Quebec, I welcome our new board members and thank them for their gift of service. I also thank and congratulate the Nominations Committee members - Ruth Pelletier, Chair, Mona Beck and Richard Silver - for a job well done under challenging circumstances.” Walter Duszara

The Board of Directors bade farewell to Debbie Horrocks, immediate past-President, whose six-year term as Board member came to an end.

“Debbie served the board and members of Seniors Action Quebec generously and effectively at a time when SAQ was experiencing many changes and new demands. In the name of SAQ, I thank her for her leadership and dedication. On a personal note, thank you Debbie for your support and counsel when I needed it. We all look forward to your continued support and contribution to the mission and goals of Seniors Action Quebec.” Walter Duszara

The 2021-2022 Annual General Meeting reviewed SAQ’s accomplishments and, how we continued to move forward with our projects in the face of the many unexpected demands and challenges related to the Covid-19 pandemic. The following achievements were highlighted:

  • The Resilience Training Project - a series of workshops which teach resilience skills to seniors, and those who work with seniors, was completed.
  • A new set of videos showcasing five regional English-speaking organizations were produced and launched as part of our video series Je Me Souviens: Portraits of Who We Are.
  • In partnership with the English-Language Arts Network, we wrapped up the We’re All In This Together project, a series of bi-weekly web-episodes with uplifting stories to help reduce the stress and isolation of seniors during the pandemic.
  • We continued to expand our new online services and to further develop our directory of organizations and professionals who provide services in English throughout Quebec, the SAQ Services Map for Seniors.

Seniors Action Quebec is a non-profit organization that works to maintain and enhance the vitality of English-speaking Quebec seniors.

For more information on the organization, please contact
Katia Toimil-Bramhall, Executive Director of Seniors Action Quebec


November 15, 2022

Press Release:
Seniors Action Quebec Announces Appointment of New Executive Director


The Board of Directors of Senior Action Quebec, at its October 27, 2022 meeting, unanimously resolved to appoint Katia Toimil-Bramhall its new Executive Director. Katia, who had served as SAQ’s Interim Executive Director since February, 2022, has worked in the not for profit sector in a variety of roles for many years. In addition, she has work and study experience in Europe.

She was the program coordinator for SAQ since 2019. In this capacity Katia managed and maintained the organization’s website and social media; wrote and produced quarterly newsletters and annual reports; built an online database of resources for English-speaking seniors; and managed its IT system. Prior to joining SAQ Katia served as a Communications Officer for the Quebec Community Groups Network (QCGN). Before joining QCGN Katia worked for the Thomas More Institute for ten years in different roles, including Information Services Officer, Website Manager and Readings Coordinator. After graduation, with MA in hand, Katia taught English to youth and adults, near Prague, in the Czech Republic.

Katia holds a DEC in Liberal Arts from Champlain College, a B.A. from McGill University and a Master of Arts: Culture and Colonialism, National University of Ireland, Galway. She is trilingual – English, French and Spanish.

Katia’s experience and knowledge of the English-speaking community, her easy manner and her organizational and communications skills will continue to serve our community well.

We welcome Katia Toimil-Bramhall as Seniors Action Quebec’s Executive Director and wish her every success in her new role.

Walter Duszara

November 8, 2022

Webinar: With the Higher Interest Rates and Increased Costs: Are You Worried About Your Debt Load? What Can You Do to Protect Yourself and Family

October 26, 2022

Webinar: Things to Know to Have Successful Volunteer Governing Boards

September 13, 2022

Webinar: What You Need to Know About the Car Industry

February 4, 2022

CBC Montreal article: Quebec Promises Tastier, Healthier Meals for Seniors in Care

Former President of Seniors Action Quebec, Ruth Pelletier, welcomes news that the government of Quebec is planning to invest more money in healthier food and food preparation equipment in long-term care residences (CHSLDs).

January 27, 2022

CBC Montreal article: Lakeshore Hospital Investigates after 92-year-old Patient with Dementia Sent Home Barefoot, in Hospital Gown

Vanessa Herrick, outgoing Seniors Action Quebec Executive Director, comments on news that a 92- year-old woman with dementia, was discharged from the Lakeshore Hospital, and was sent home in adaptive transport, in -20 degree weather in nothing more than her hospital gown. 

January 24, 2022

Seniors Action Quebec Job Opening: Executive Director

Incorporated in 2012, Seniors Action Quebec (SAQ) works with partner organizations to identify and address challenges and issues facing English-speaking seniors throughout Quebec, as well as with governments, to shape policy and legislation that will promote and sustain their health, welfare and well-being.

The SAQ is seeking a dynamic, seasoned professional for the position of Executive Director. Reporting to the Board of Directors, the Executive Director is responsible for achieving the mission of SAQ through the implementation of its strategic plan. The Executive Director will focus on enhancing SAQ’s policy-development and organizational capacity, on further developing SAQ’s network of organizational partners, on communicating priority needs and issues facing English-speaking seniors in Quebec to stakeholders, media, and the general public, and, on managing current projects and programs. 

The Executive Director works closely with the president, is supported by a board of directors, and has access to professional assistance and resources to achieve these goals. 

Oversee the administration and operations needed to achieve the goals of the Strategic Plan and its Action Plan. 
Strengthen SAQ’s policy development capacity by developing policy frameworks and positions from which to address issues, policies, programs, and legislation that effect English-speaking seniors in Quebec.
Develop a communications strategy and implementation plan.
Expand SAQ’s network of partners and stakeholders - community organizations, all levels of governments, and the province’s health and social services sector.
Generate revenue through grant application-writing, active fundraising, and development of partnership agreements.
Act as the representative and spokesperson of SAQ, along with its president. 
Enhance SAQ’s organizational capacity and manage SAQ’s financial and administrative affairs, including but not limited to, monitoring the budget, establishing, and monitoring fee for service contracts, human resources management, staffing, establishing internal protocols, policies, procedures, directives and guidelines, and supporting the board and standing committees of the board.

Thoroughly committed to SAQ’s mission.
Political acuity, good judgement, a sense of urgency and demonstrated decision-making ability. 
Ability to work independently within an environment where there are few precedents to guide judgement or decision-making.
Specialized knowledge of English-speaking and cultural communities in Quebec, seniors’ issues, and understanding related government activities (municipal, provincial and federal). 
Demonstrated leadership and strong interpersonal and communications skills including presentation and media relations experience.
Bilingual English and French (oral) – highly proficient written competency in at least one official language.
Ability to lead a team, manage staff, consultants and external suppliers, plan and implement projects, facilitate group discussions, lead meetings, etc.
Proven professional/management skills and business acumen, 5 to 7 years’ experience at a senior leadership level in the not-for-profit sector, particularly around budgets, financial reporting and revenue generation.
Established network among community organizations, government, and Quebec health and social service agencies
Demonstrated track record of successful organizational development and community development.
Demonstrated ability to influence and build networks and establish collaborative relationships that share accountability for results.
Undergraduate degree or equivalent experience.
Demonstrated commitment to transparency and accountability.

Salary plus allowance for benefits, commensurate with experience. 
Allowance for use of personal cell phone and car. 
Salary is based on a minimum of 37.5 hours/week, there is no paid overtime. However, there is flexibility in work schedule to accommodate required attendance at meetings scheduled outside of regular business hours, e.g. evening and weekend meetings and time required to travel to events and meetings.
Regional travel required. 

To be negotiated with the successful candidate. 
March 1, 2022 is the ideal date.

Applications should be sent to:
Application deadline: February 13, 2022.

November 4, 2021

Global Morning News Montreal Interview: Web Series for Seniors

Watch Vanessa Herrick, Executive Director of Seniors Action Quebec, talk about the finale of our and the English-language Arts Network’s (ELAN Quebec) web series We're All In This Together in an interview with Global Morning News Montreal.

November 1, 2021

Press Release: Seniors Action Quebec Announces Change in Executive Leadership

Montreal, November 1, 2021 – Seniors Action Quebec (SAQ) held its Annual General Meeting this past week and is pleased to announce changes in our Executive leadership.  

Walter Duszara, former SAQ Vice-President, is the new President of Seniors Action Quebec.  Anne Mackay will add Vice-President duties to her role of Treasurer and Diane Lemay will remain in her position as Secretary of the Board of Directors.  Outgoing President Debbie Horrocks will continue to sit on the Board as a Director for the remainder of her term.

“English-speaking seniors, of all cultural backgrounds and national origins, are true Quebeckers who have contributed, and continue to contribute, to the development of our province as a free, just, diverse, rich, exciting, and democratic society. We, our children, and grand-children are increasingly French-speaking, and we leave our mark in all sectors of everyday life in Quebec. I believe our stories need to be better known by our neighbours and friends. Mutual respect, frankness, honesty and shared purpose define our past and guide our future.”  - Walter Duszara

We would like to take this time to thank Debbie for her leadership and guidance as she steered the organization through the past 20 months of the pandemic and subsequent lockdowns.

The 2020-2021 Annual General Meeting reviewed the accomplishments of the organization under the strain and changing circumstances of the COVID 19 pandemic.  SAQ continued to move forward with the Resilience Training Project, that teaches resilience skills to seniors, and those who work with them.  We also produced and launched our 9-part video series Je Me Souviens: Portraits of Who We Are, which features first-person stories of English-speaking seniors in Quebec.  

In partnership with the English-Language Arts Network, we began production of  We’re All In This Together, a series of bi-weekly web-episodes with uplifting stories to help reduce the stress and isolation of seniors during the pandemic.

Another major accomplishment was the launch of our new online services and English-speaking services map: the Services Map for Seniors,  which highlights organizations and professionals who serve seniors in English in Quebec. 

Seniors Action Quebec is a non-profit organization that works to maintain and enhance the vitality of English-speaking Quebec seniors.

October 28, 2021

Press Release: A Celebration in Song, Spoken Word & Step Final Episode of We’re All In This Together, the Web Series for Seniors

All good things must come to an end, so don't miss our FINALE Episode 23: A Celebration in Song, Spoken Word & Step of We're All In This Together, which launches on Friday, November 5 at 6pm! It's an evening that shines an inspiring light on Quebec's diversity and intergenerational connections. 
“When ELAN and Seniors Action Quebec took on this ambitious project, the initial covid outbreak was having a devastating impact on our seniors. It was a bleak period of isolation and fear. Our response was to create a series of entertaining, informative, uplifting videos. Producing this series so rapidly was a minor miracle made possible by excellent content suggestions from our seniors’ advisory committee, a devoted production team, and a host of enthusiastic presenters and performers. This project was a gift for everyone involved.” — Guy Rodgers, Interim Executive Director, English Language Arts Network
“I am incredibly proud of the work done by the amazing people who came together and made the impossible happen on this exceptional project.  This series‘ goal was  to show seniors that the community was with them, was thinking of them, and was doing their best to show that they cared.  Thank you to Heritage Canada for making We’re All in This Together possible.” — Vanessa Herrick, Executive Director, Seniors Action Quebec
"It has felt so deeply meaningful to direct the web series "We're All In This Together", in support of our beloved senior citizens across Québec... especially those who have been isolated during the pandemic. I have been extremely fortunate to collaborate on this project with a dedicated production team, seniors focus group and staff at Seniors Action Quebec and English Language Arts Network. I would like to extend a special thanks as well to all the passionate participants who offered their time and energy to connect with and entertain our senior audience throughout the year!" — Bobbi Jo Hart, Director of We’re All In This Together
A Celebration in Song, Spoken Word & Step 
Performers include The Montreal Steppers, who use their bodies as instruments to deliver a youthful, high energy art form that is rooted is Black History and tells stories of Black Resilience and Black Excellence. Viewers will also enjoy a special performance by the legendary Quebecoise singer/songwriter Patsy Gallant, who at 73 years young, will sing a combination of classic favourites and a new self-penned women's anthem as well. The A.D.A. Flamenco trio explore the mystery, beauty and captivating energy of traditional Spanish flamenco through their code-subverting, contemporary aesthetic.  Singer/songwriter Andrea Lindsay is the first anglophone to ever win the Juno Award for Best Francophone Album of the Year, who will perform the theme song she wrote and recorded for the web series, with some surprise young guests joining her on stage -- who have appeared in every episode of the series. To watch a promotional clip of our next episode, click here!

We’re All In This Together is a collaboration between the English Language Arts Network and Seniors Action Quebec, and a community initiative to reach Quebec’s English-speaking seniors. This one-of-a-kind web-series has been designed by seniors, especially for seniors. Each bi-weekly episode is directed by Montreal-based, award-winning filmmaker Bobbi Jo Hart and features entertainment, activities and conversations designed to connect with those in need of support and empathy… with a gentle reminder that we are, indeed, all in this together. Episodes released so far can easily be found on YouTube (Search keys words “We’re All In This Together Senior Web Series”) and Facebook (Search "WereAllInThisTogetherQuebec"), and are available for anyone to enjoy.  

This is also a great opportunity to take a moment to assure that the seniors around you are able to access the internet, so that they are able to take advantage of all the online resources available to them. 

Sarah G. LaForce

Seniors Action Quebec works to maintain and enhance the vitality of English-speaking Quebec seniors. All efforts will identify and address challenges and issues to promote a healthy and active lifestyle for English-speaking seniors.

The English Language Arts Network (ELAN) is a meeting place for English-language artists and cultural workers of all disciplines from every region of Quebec, where they can share expertise and resources, build audiences and alliances, seek support, advocate for their interests, and make common cause with the Francophone arts community.

October 6, 2021

CBC Radio Interview: Inspiring Seniors with Jam, Street Art and Drag Queen Bingo

Vanessa Herrick, Executive Director of Seniors Action Quebec, discusses our and ELAN Quebec’s web series We're All In This Together on CBC Radio’s Quebec AM.

October 6, 2021

Press Release: Making Homemade Tomato Sauce with Greg on We’re All In This Together, the Web Series for Seniors

Please join us on Friday, October 8th at 6pm for our next episode on Making Homemade Tomato Sauce with Greg! For Greg Brooks, the need to be personally connected to his food started in the Bahamas in 1963 and has spanned several decades. He, who’s affectionately known as the "Peppermaster", invites us into his home kitchen in Rigaud, Québec to make an easy but delicious small-batch tomato sauce recipe. From advice on selecting the best tomatoes to a behind-the-scenes look at his passion for peppers and locally sourced ingredients, Greg shows us how to make the most of tomato season! To watch a promotional clip of our next episode, click here!

We’re All In This Together is a collaboration between the English Language Arts Network and Seniors Action Quebec, and a community initiative to reach Quebec’s English-speaking seniors. This one-of-a-kind web-series has been designed by seniors, especially for seniors. Each bi-weekly episode is directed by Montreal-based, award-winning filmmaker Bobbi Jo Hart and features entertainment, activities and conversations designed to connect with those in need of support and empathy… with a gentle reminder that we are, indeed, all in this together. Episodes released so far can easily be found on YouTube (Search keys words “We’re All In This Together Senior Web Series”) and Facebook (Search "WereAllInThisTogetherQuebec"), and are available for anyone to enjoy.  

This is also a great opportunity to take a moment to assure that the seniors around you are able to access the internet, so that they are able to take advantage of all the online resources available to them. 

Sarah G. LaForce

Seniors Action Quebec works to maintain and enhance the vitality of English-speaking Quebec seniors. All efforts will identify and address challenges and issues to promote a healthy and active lifestyle for English-speaking seniors.

The English Language Arts Network (ELAN) is a meeting place for English-language artists and cultural workers of all disciplines from every region of Quebec, where they can share expertise and resources, build audiences and alliances, seek support, advocate for their interests, and make common cause with the Francophone arts community.

September 20, 2021

Press Release: Author Conversations with Richard King on We’re All In This Together, the Web Series for Seniors

Please join us on Friday, September 24 at 6pm for the launch of Episode 21: Author Conversations with Richard King! Starting at his home on the Lachine Canal exploring King's origins and evolution as a mystery writer, we also visit frontline ER nurse Margaret Quinsey, who inspired the main character of his book series that began with A Stab At Life. Don't miss this intimate and personal look at how art truly does imitate life for this iconic Quebec writer.
To watch a promotional clip of our next episode, click here!

We’re All In This Together is a collaboration between the English Language Arts Network and Seniors Action Quebec, and a community initiative to reach Quebec’s English-speaking seniors. This one-of-a-kind web-series has been designed by seniors, especially for seniors. Each bi-weekly episode is directed by Montreal-based, award-winning filmmaker Bobbi Jo Hart and features entertainment, activities and conversations designed to connect with those in need of support and empathy… with a gentle reminder that we are, indeed, all in this together. Episodes released so far can easily be found on YouTube (Search keys words “We’re All In This Together Senior Web Series”) and Facebook (Search "WereAllInThisTogetherQuebec"), and are available for anyone to enjoy.  

This is also a great opportunity to take a moment to assure that the seniors around you are able to access the internet, so that they are able to take advantage of all the online resources available to them. 

Sarah G. LaForce

Seniors Action Quebec works to maintain and enhance the vitality of English-speaking Quebec seniors. All efforts will identify and address challenges and issues to promote a healthy and active lifestyle for English-speaking seniors.

The English Language Arts Network (ELAN) is a meeting place for English-language artists and cultural workers of all disciplines from every region of Quebec, where they can share expertise and resources, build audiences and alliances, seek support, advocate for their interests, and make common cause with the Francophone arts community.

September 15, 2021

Video: Seniors Action Quebec presentation QCGN public consultation on Bill-96

Seniors Action Quebec was invited by the Quebec Community Groups Network to speak at their public hearings on the potential impact of proposed Bill 96 on English-speaking seniors. Walter Duszara, Vice-President of Seniors Action Quebec's Board, joined Vanessa Herrick, Executive Director, in giving a 30-minute presentation on the many issues that Bill 96 could present for seniors. The presentation begins at the 1:17:34 mark time.

September 8, 2021

Press Release: Organic Gardening with Hannah on We’re All In This Together, the Web Series for Seniors

Join us on Friday, September 10 as we journey to the Quebec countryside for our next episode of We’re All In This Together on Organic Gardening with Hannah! Hannah and her young partners are passionate about ecologically sustainable farming at Agricola, a worker’s cooperative... which means that it’s owned by the workers who grow your food! Hannah shares her passion to create meaningful work by growing certified organic food that nourishes local communities. Learn about Agricola's unique co-living lifestyle as well, and to top it off, Hannah also offers some gardening tips that can help even those with a small balcony space! To watch a promotional clip of our next episode, click here!

We’re All In This Together is a collaboration between the English Language Arts Network and Seniors Action Quebec, and a community initiative to reach Quebec’s English-speaking seniors. This one-of-a-kind web-series has been designed by seniors, especially for seniors. Each bi-weekly episode is directed by Montreal-based, award-winning filmmaker Bobbi Jo Hart and features entertainment, activities and conversations designed to connect with those in need of support and empathy… with a gentle reminder that we are, indeed, all in this together. Episodes released so far can easily be found on YouTube (Search keys words “We’re All In This Together Senior Web Series”) and Facebook (Search "WereAllInThisTogetherQuebec"), and are available for anyone to enjoy.  

This is also a great opportunity to take a moment to assure that the seniors around you are able to access the internet, so that they are able to take advantage of all the online resources available to them. 

Sarah G. LaForce

Seniors Action Quebec works to maintain and enhance the vitality of English-speaking Quebec seniors. All efforts will identify and address challenges and issues to promote a healthy and active lifestyle for English-speaking seniors.

The English Language Arts Network (ELAN) is a meeting place for English-language artists and cultural workers of all disciplines from every region of Quebec, where they can share expertise and resources, build audiences and alliances, seek support, advocate for their interests, and make common cause with the Francophone arts community.

August 29, 2021

CBC Montreal Article: Côte-Saint-Luc Launches Program to Help Seniors Access their Digital Proof of Vaccination

The city of Côte Saint-Luc is leading a campaign to help seniors who need help accessing their digital proof of vaccination. Former President of Seniors Action Quebec, Ruth Pelletier, expresses concerns that seniors could be left behind with the use of a digital vaccine passport. 

August 23, 2021

Press Release: Urban Art with Jamie on We’re All In This Together, the Web Series for Seniors

Things are looking up for our next episode on Urban Art with Jamie, which launches this Friday, August 27 at 6pm! Have you ever wondered who creates those colourful, evocative murals on building walls, in alleys or even on barns in the countryside? Art educator Jamie Janx Johnston invites us into the fascinating world of urban art, inviting all of us to "look up" and appreciate this evolving art form that brings so much colour and joy to our communities! To watch a promotional clip of our next episode, click here!

We’re All In This Together is a collaboration between the English Language Arts Network and Seniors Action Quebec, and a community initiative to reach Quebec’s English-speaking seniors. This one-of-a-kind web-series has been designed by seniors, especially for seniors. Each bi-weekly episode is directed by Montreal-based, award-winning filmmaker Bobbi Jo Hart and features entertainment, activities and conversations designed to connect with those in need of support and empathy… with a gentle reminder that we are, indeed, all in this together. Episodes released so far can easily be found on YouTube (Search keys words “We’re All In This Together Senior Web Series”) and Facebook (Search "WereAllInThisTogetherQuebec"), and are available for anyone to enjoy.  

This is also a great opportunity to take a moment to assure that the seniors around you are able to access the internet, so that they are able to take advantage of all the online resources available to them. 

Sarah G. LaForce

Seniors Action Quebec works to maintain and enhance the vitality of English-speaking Quebec seniors. All efforts will identify and address challenges and issues to promote a healthy and active lifestyle for English-speaking seniors.

The English Language Arts Network (ELAN) is a meeting place for English-language artists and cultural workers of all disciplines from every region of Quebec, where they can share expertise and resources, build audiences and alliances, seek support, advocate for their interests, and make common cause with the Francophone arts community.

August 11 2021

Press Release: Tango Dancing with Mireille & Friends on We’re All In This Together, the Web Series for Seniors

We are proud to announce that We’re All In This Together has been extended to October!  We are very excited to be able to bring you a few more episodes of our web-series and hope you are enjoying what we have done so far!

Join us for Tango Dancing with Mireille & Friends on Friday, August 13 at 6pm! From the origins of tango culture and health benefits to the rhythmic walking of a social Milonga, instructor Mireille Painchaud of Studio Tango Montréal demystifies the intriguing world of tango. She also gives us a window into her private lesson with Anne and Neal, who share a heartwarming love story about how tango transformed their relationship and brings great joy to their daily lives! To watch a promotional clip of our next episode, click here

We’re All In This Together is a collaboration between the English Language Arts Network and Seniors Action Quebec, and a community initiative to reach Quebec’s English-speaking seniors. This one-of-a-kind web-series has been designed by seniors, especially for seniors. Each bi-weekly episode is directed by Montreal-based, award-winning filmmaker Bobbi Jo Hart and features entertainment, activities and conversations designed to connect with those in need of support and empathy… with a gentle reminder that we are, indeed, all in this together. Episodes released so far can easily be found on YouTube (Search keys words “We’re All In This Together Senior Web Series”) and Facebook (Search "WereAllInThisTogetherQuebec"), and are available for anyone to enjoy.  

This is also a great opportunity to take a moment to assure that the seniors around you are able to access the internet, so that they are able to take advantage of all the online resources available to them. 

Sarah G. LaForce

Seniors Action Quebec works to maintain and enhance the vitality of English-speaking Quebec seniors. All efforts will identify and address challenges and issues to promote a healthy and active lifestyle for English-speaking seniors.

The English Language Arts Network (ELAN) is a meeting place for English-language artists and cultural workers of all disciplines from every region of Quebec, where they can share expertise and resources, build audiences and alliances, seek support, advocate for their interests, and make common cause with the Francophone arts community.

July 27 2021

Press Release: Making Jam with Susan on We’re All In This Together, the Web Series for Seniors

We be jammin'! Sweet Québec strawberries and rhubarb are in season, so it's time for Making Jam with Susan which launches on Friday, July 30 at 6pm on "We're All In This Together"! Even if you've never made jam before, Susan takes the fear out of the process by showing you how to make small batch fridge jams! This simple recipe uses less sugar than traditional jam recipes and takes under an hour to make from start to finish! To watch a promotional clip of our next episode, click here.
We’re All in This Together is a web series designed especially for seniors. Each bi-weekly episode of the 18 episode web series, directed by Montreal-based, award-winning filmmaker Bobbi Jo Hart, features entertainment, activities and conversations designed to connect with those in need of support and empathy… with a gentle reminder that we are, indeed, all in this together. Episodes released so far can easily be found on YouTube (Search keys words “We’re All In This Together Senior Web Series”) and Facebook (Search "WereAllInThisTogetherQuebec"), and are available for anyone to enjoy. 
This is also a great opportunity to take a moment to assure that the seniors around you are able to access the internet, so that they are able to take advantage of all the online resources available to them. 

Sarah G. LaForce

Seniors Action Quebec works to maintain and enhance the vitality of English-speaking Quebec seniors. All efforts will identify and address challenges and issues to promote a healthy and active lifestyle for English-speaking seniors.

The English Language Arts Network (ELAN) is a meeting place for English-language artists and cultural workers of all disciplines from every region of Quebec, where they can share expertise and resources, build audiences and alliances, seek support, advocate for their interests, and make common cause with the Francophone arts community.

July 13 2021

CBC Radio Interview: Let's Go with Sabrina Marandola

Listen to this interview with Sébastien Potvin (a.k.a. Barbada) on his episode The Flamboyant World of Drag with Barbada and on the  We’re All In This Together web series.

July 13 2021

Press Release: The Flamboyant World of Drag with Barbada on We’re All In This Together, the Web Series for Seniors

Don't miss the next episode of We're All In This Together this Friday, July 16, as we go behind-the-scenes of The Flamboyant World of Drag with Barbada, at Montreal's legendary Cabaret Mado! Sébastien Potvin (a.k.a. Barbada) is a music teacher by day and famed drag queen by night, who shares his deep knowledge of drag that includes make-up tips, how to develop a drag character, a sizzling live performance and his passion to promote inclusivity and accepting differences with children and the community!
We’re All in This Together is a web series designed especially for seniors. Each bi-weekly episode of the 18 episode web series, directed by Montreal-based, award-winning filmmaker Bobbi Jo Hart, features entertainment, activities and conversations designed to connect with those in need of support and empathy… with a gentle reminder that we are, indeed, all in this together. Episodes released so far can easily be found on YouTube (Search keys words “We’re All In This Together Senior Web Series”) and Facebook (Search "WereAllInThisTogetherQuebec"), and are available for anyone to enjoy. 
This is also a great opportunity to take a moment to assure that the seniors around you are able to access the internet, so that they are able to take advantage of all the online resources available to them. 

Sarah G. LaForce

Seniors Action Quebec works to maintain and enhance the vitality of English-speaking Quebec seniors. All efforts will identify and address challenges and issues to promote a healthy and active lifestyle for English-speaking seniors.

The English Language Arts Network (ELAN) is a meeting place for English-language artists and cultural workers of all disciplines from every region of Quebec, where they can share expertise and resources, build audiences and alliances, seek support, advocate for their interests, and make common cause with the Francophone arts community.

June 29 2021

Press Release: Wine Pairing with Ana on We’re All In This Together, the Web Series for Seniors

La vie en rosé! Time to celebrate summertime on Friday, July 2, when we launch Episode 15: Wine Pairing with Ana! Learn about the wonderful world of rosé wines from Québec and around the world, and great food pairing ideas to go with them! Sommelier Ana Gallegos shares how rosé does not have to be served on its own; it's an incredibly versatile, affordable wine that ranges from very dry to very sweet, and can be quite subtle in aromas or very fruity! Ana shares several of her favourites and inspires us to experiment and stay cool during hot Québec Summer days -- Tchin! Tchin!
We’re All in This Together is a web series designed especially for seniors. Each bi-weekly episode of the 18 episode web series, directed by Montreal-based, award-winning filmmaker Bobbi Jo Hart, features entertainment, activities and conversations designed to connect with those in need of support and empathy… with a gentle reminder that we are, indeed, all in this together. Episodes released so far can easily be found on YouTube (Search keys words “We’re All In This Together Senior Web Series”) and Facebook (Search "WereAllInThisTogetherQuebec"), and are available for anyone to enjoy. 
This is also a great opportunity to take a moment to assure that the seniors around you are able to access the internet, so that they are able to take advantage of all the online resources available to them. 

Sarah G. LaForce

Seniors Action Quebec works to maintain and enhance the vitality of English-speaking Quebec seniors. All efforts will identify and address challenges and issues to promote a healthy and active lifestyle for English-speaking seniors.

The English Language Arts Network (ELAN) is a meeting place for English-language artists and cultural workers of all disciplines from every region of Quebec, where they can share expertise and resources, build audiences and alliances, seek support, advocate for their interests, and make common cause with the Francophone arts community.

June 15 2021

Press Release: Horse Therapy with Karine on We’re All In This Together, the Web Series for Seniors

Travel with us to the countryside this Friday, June 18 at 6pm for the launch of our next episode on Horse Therapy with Karine! Équi-Sens is a therapeutic equestrian centre that incorporates horses to support the mental and physical health of people with social integration challenges and/or psychosocial, developmental or physical disabilities. Serving a clientele from youth and adults to seniors and veterans, Karine and the Équi-Sens team share their passion for the healing power of horses and how everyone can positively benefit from equestrian encounters.
We’re All in This Together is a web series designed especially for seniors. Each bi-weekly episode of the 18 episode web series, directed by Montreal-based, award-winning filmmaker Bobbi Jo Hart, features entertainment, activities and conversations designed to connect with those in need of support and empathy… with a gentle reminder that we are, indeed, all in this together. Episodes released so far can easily be found on YouTube (Search keys words “We’re All In This Together Senior Web Series”) and Facebook (Search "WereAllInThisTogetherQuebec"), and are available for anyone to enjoy. 
This is also a great opportunity to take a moment to assure that the seniors around you are able to access the internet, so that they are able to take advantage of all the online resources available to them. 

Sarah G. LaForce

Seniors Action Quebec works to maintain and enhance the vitality of English-speaking Quebec seniors. All efforts will identify and address challenges and issues to promote a healthy and active lifestyle for English-speaking seniors.

The English Language Arts Network (ELAN) is a meeting place for English-language artists and cultural workers of all disciplines from every region of Quebec, where they can share expertise and resources, build audiences and alliances, seek support, advocate for their interests, and make common cause with the Francophone arts community.

June 2 2021

Press Release: Indigenous Hoop Dancing with Makhena on We’re All In This Together, the Web Series for Seniors

Don't miss the next episode of We’re All In This Together on Indigenous Hoop Dancing with Makhena, which launches on Friday, June 4 at 6pm. From her lifelong passion to dance, traditional regalia and deep connection to nature, Makhena Rankin Guèrin shares the origins, magic and medicine of Indigenous hoop dancing that she enthusiastically brings to seniors in her community.
In light of the discovery of the 215 children who died at the Kamloops Residential School, we dedicate this episode to them, their families and their communities.  We believe it is imperative that Canadians have an opportunity to learn more of the truth surrounding the realities of Indigenous Peoples in Canada as a result of the intergenerational trauma caused by residential schools, and also to discover the beauty of Indigenous culture and tradition. It is our deepest desire with this episode to foster greater understanding and solidarity with the Indigenous communities.
We’re All in This Together is a web-series designed especially for seniors. Each bi-weekly episode of the 18 episode web series, directed by Montreal-based, award-winning filmmaker Bobbi Jo Hart, features entertainment, activities and conversations designed to connect with those in need of support and empathy… with a gentle reminder that we are, indeed, all in this together. Episodes released so far can easily be found on YouTube (Search keys words “We’re All In This Together Senior Web Series”) and Facebook (Search "WereAllInThisTogetherQuebec"), and are available for anyone to enjoy. 
This is also a great opportunity to take a moment to assure that the seniors around you are able to access the internet, so that they are able to take advantage of all the online resources available to them. 

Sarah G. LaForce

Seniors Action Quebec works to maintain and enhance the vitality of English-speaking Quebec seniors. All efforts will identify and address challenges and issues to promote a healthy and active lifestyle for English-speaking seniors.

The English Language Arts Network (ELAN) is a meeting place for English-language artists and cultural workers of all disciplines from every region of Quebec, where they can share expertise and resources, build audiences and alliances, seek support, advocate for their interests, and make common cause with the Francophone arts community.

May  17 2021

Press Release: Bird Watching with Joël Coutu on We’re All In This Together, the Web Series for Seniors

Looking to explore a potential new hobby that brings you closer to nature? Join us on Friday, May 21 at 6pm for an introduction to Bird Watching with Joël Coutu, a passionate wild bird specialist and bird field guide. From the basic tools and advice to get anyone started, to meeting other bird watchers from age 7 to 70, Joël takes us on an adventure through a secret bird watching paradise hidden in one of the most unlikely places... next to the Montréal-Pierre Elliott Trudeau International Airport!

We’re All in This Together is a web-series designed especially for seniors. Each bi-weekly episode of the 18 episode web series, directed by Montreal-based, award-winning filmmaker Bobbi Jo Hart, features entertainment, activities and conversations designed to connect with those in need of support and empathy… with a gentle reminder that we are, indeed, all in this together. Episodes released so far can easily be found on YouTube (Search keys words “We’re All In This Together Senior Web Series”) and Facebook (Search "WereAllInThisTogetherQuebec"), and are available for anyone to enjoy. 
This is also a great opportunity to take a moment to assure that the seniors around you are able to access the internet, so that they are able to take advantage of all the online resources available to them

Sarah G. LaForce

Seniors Action Quebec works to maintain and enhance the vitality of English-speaking Quebec seniors. All efforts will identify and address challenges and issues to promote a healthy and active lifestyle for English-speaking seniors.

The English Language Arts Network (ELAN) is a meeting place for English-language artists and cultural workers of all disciplines from every region of Quebec, where they can share expertise and resources, build audiences and alliances, seek support, advocate for their interests, and make common cause with the Francophone arts community.

May 4 2021

Press Release: Eating Healthy on a Budget with Crystal on We’re All In This Together, the Web Series for Seniors

Don't miss Eating Healthy on a Budget with Crystal, which launches on Friday, May 7 at 6pm on We're All In This Together! From meal planning and knowing your grocery store to making smart food substitutions, Crystal offers some sage advice in an accessible way to help you be more mindful of the importance of eating well, while making the most of every dollar!

Crystal Baran is a Certified Integrative Nutrition Health Coach and Naturotherapist, specializing in helping people holistically realign themselves to reduce stress and regain confidence. Food is the foundational tool that she uses to guide her clients on a healthy track of building long-lasting, sustainable habits. She has made it her mission to create a space for every person to explore their personal capacity to heal.  

We’re All in This Together is a web-series designed especially for seniors. Each bi-weekly episode of the 18 episode web series, directed by Montreal-based, award-winning filmmaker Bobbi Jo Hart, features entertainment, activities and conversations designed to connect with those in need of support and empathy… with a gentle reminder that we are, indeed, all in this together. Episodes released so far can easily be found on YouTube (Search keys words “We’re All In This Together Senior Web Series”) and Facebook (Search "WereAllInThisTogetherQuebec"), and are available for anyone to enjoy. 
This is also a great opportunity to take a moment to assure that the seniors around you are able to access the internet, so that they are able to take advantage of all the online resources available to them.

Sarah G. LaForce

Seniors Action Quebec works to maintain and enhance the vitality of English-speaking Quebec seniors. All efforts will identify and address challenges and issues to promote a healthy and active lifestyle for English-speaking seniors.

The English Language Arts Network (ELAN) is a meeting place for English-language artists and cultural workers of all disciplines from every region of Quebec, where they can share expertise and resources, build audiences and alliances, seek support, advocate for their interests, and make common cause with the Francophone arts community.

April 20, 2021

Press Release: Animal Fostering with Cindy on We’re All In This Together, the Web Series for Seniors

Time for kitten cuddles during our next episode of Animal Fostering with Cindy, which will be released on Friday, April 23 at 6pm! As the founder of Heart in Hand Rescue, who save over 1,000 cats and kittens every year, Cindy discusses what is means to foster a cat, what you can expect and what is required. She will also introduce us to an intergenerational family who share the joy and sense of purpose by  protecting the felines in our community. Animal shelters rely heavily on the help of  foster families to support cats who may need extra attention, who are pregnant or who just don’t have anywhere safe to go. If you are curious about having a pet but not quite sure about the commitment,  fostering is a great place to start!
We’re All in This Together is a web-series designed especially for seniors. Each bi-weekly episode of the 18 episode web series, directed by Montreal-based, award-winning filmmaker Bobbi Jo Hart, features entertainment, activities and conversations designed to connect with those in need of support and empathy… with a gentle reminder that we are, indeed, all in this together. Episodes released so far can easily be found on YouTube (Search keys words “We’re All In This Together Senior Web Series”) and Facebook (Search "WereAllInThisTogetherQuebec"), and are available for anyone to enjoy. 
This is also a great opportunity to take a moment to assure that the seniors around you are able to access the internet, so that they are able to take advantage of all the online resources available to them.

Sarah G. LaForce

Seniors Action Quebec works to maintain and enhance the vitality of English-speaking Quebec seniors. All efforts will identify and address challenges and issues to promote a healthy and active lifestyle for English-speaking seniors.

The English Language Arts Network (ELAN) is a meeting place for English-language artists and cultural workers of all disciplines from every region of Quebec, where they can share expertise and resources, build audiences and alliances, seek support, advocate for their interests, and make common cause with the Francophone arts community.

April 7, 2021

Press Release: Spring Special! Gardening in Small Spaces on We’re All In This Together, the Web Series for Seniors

Make friends with plants & discover your green thumb during this one-hour Spring Special episode on Gardening in Small Spaces with Graham, which launches on Friday, April 9 at 6pm!  Using a few basic supplies, Graham shows how anyone can make a self watering, aerated pot with living soil, so many of your favourite plants and herbs will magically thrive – even while staying in the same container!
We’re All in This Together is a web series designed especially for seniors. Each bi-weekly episode of the 18 episode web series, directed by Montreal-based, award-winning filmmaker Bobbi Jo Hart, features entertainment, activities and conversations designed to connect with those in need of support and empathy… with a gentle reminder that we are, indeed, all in this together. Episodes released so far can easily be found on YouTube (Search keys words “We’re All In This Together Senior Web Series”) and Facebook (Search "WereAllInThisTogetherQuebec"), and are available for anyone to enjoy. 
This is also a great opportunity to take a moment to assure that the seniors around you are able to access the internet, so that they are able to take advantage of all the online resources available to them.

Sarah G. LaForce

Seniors Action Quebec works to maintain and enhance the vitality of English-speaking Quebec seniors. All efforts will identify and address challenges and issues to promote a healthy and active lifestyle for English-speaking seniors.

The English Language Arts Network (ELAN) is a meeting place for English-language artists and cultural workers of all disciplines from every region of Quebec, where they can share expertise and resources, build audiences and alliances, seek support, advocate for their interests, and make common cause with the Francophone arts community.
We acknowledge the financial support of the Government of Canada and the Government of Quebec.

April 4, 2021

CBC Radio Interview: All in a Weekend with Ainslie MacLellan

Listen to this interview with director Bobbi Jo Hart on the web series We're All in This Together.

March 23, 2021

Press Release: Flower arranging on We’re All In This Together, the Web Series for Seniors 

Bring on Spring with our next episode of Flowering Arranging with Lyudmila! With colourful tulips, daffodils and other uplifting flowers and greenery, discover some easy tricks of the trade to help you create a bright and beautiful centerpiece at home! Join us on YouTube on Friday, March 26 at 6pm as the episode will be launched.
Each bi-weekly episode of the 18 episode web series, directed by Montreal-based, award-winning filmmaker Bobbi Jo Hart, features entertainment, activities and conversations designed to connect with those in need of support and empathy… with a gentle reminder that we are, indeed, all in this together. Episodes released so far can easily be found on YouTube (Search keys words “We’re All In This Together Senior Web Series”) and Facebook (Search "WereAllInThisTogetherQuebec"), and are available for anyone to enjoy. 
This is also a great opportunity to take a moment to assure that the seniors around you are able to access the internet, so that they are able to take advantage of all the online resources available to them.

Sarah G. LaForce

Seniors Action Quebec works to maintain and enhance the vitality of English-speaking Quebec seniors. All efforts will identify and address challenges and issues to promote a healthy and active lifestyle for English-speaking seniors.

The English Language Arts Network (ELAN) is a meeting place for English-language artists and cultural workers of all disciplines from every region of Quebec, where they can share expertise and resources, build audiences and alliances, seek support, advocate for their interests, and make common cause with the Francophone arts community.

March 10, 2021

CBC Montreal: Interview On AstraZeneca Vaccine and Seniors

In an interview with CBC Montreal, Vanessa Herrick, Executive Director of Seniors Action Quebec, discusses the concerns and confusing data around the reported potential negative side effect of the Astrazeneca vaccines on seniors. 


March 10, 2021

CBC The National: Interview On AstraZeneca Vaccine and Seniors

In an interview with CBC The National, former President of Seniors Action Quebec and volunteer, Ruth Pelletier, expresses her concern about plans to administer the newly approved AstraZeneca vaccine on people aged 65 and over in Quebec.

Interview starts at 1:10-2:10.


March 9, 2021

Press Release: Laughter Yoga on We’re All In This Together, the Web Series for Seniors

As we reach the one year anniversary of the pandemic, the team behind We’re All In This Together wanted to launch an episode reminding viewers of the benefits and importance of laughter in keeping our spirits up!  Join us on YouTube on Friday, March 12 at 6pm for the launch of  Laughter Yoga with Liliana

Laughter Yoga with Liliana
Give your funny bone a workout during our next episode of Laughter Yoga with Liliana, which launches on Friday, March 12 at 6pm! Did you know that laughter offers the same workout as 100 sit ups? From the Cheerleader Laugh to the Corona Virus Crush Laugh, learn how to get your giggles going even when you're feeling blue. Watch the episode for a chance to win an autographed copy of Québec stand up comedy sensation Sugar Sammy's bestselling dvd "You're Gonna Rire"! Look for a post this Friday, March 12 at 6pm on our We're All In This Together Facebook page for contest details on how to win!

Each bi-weekly episode of the 18 episode web series, directed by Montreal-based, award-winning filmmaker Bobbi Jo Hart, features entertainment, activities and conversations designed to connect with those in need of support and empathy… with a gentle reminder that we are, indeed, all in this together. Episodes released so far can easily be found on YouTube (Search keys words “We’re All In This Together Senior Web Series”) and Facebook (Search "WereAllInThisTogetherQuebec"), and are available for anyone to enjoy. 

This is also a great opportunity to take a moment to be sure that the seniors around you are able to access the internet, so that they are able to take advantage of all the online resources available to them.


Sarah G. LaForce

Seniors Action Quebec works to maintain and enhance the vitality of English-speaking Quebec seniors. All efforts will identify and address challenges and issues to promote a healthy and active lifestyle for English-speaking seniors.

The English Language Arts Network (ELAN) is a meeting place for English-language artists and cultural workers of all disciplines from every region of Quebec, where they can share expertise and resources, build audiences and alliances, seek support, advocate for their interests, and make common cause with the Francophone arts community.

March 6, 2021

CBC Radio Interview: All in a Weekend with Ainslie MacLellan

Listen to this interview with musician Andrea Levy, the creator of the We're All in This Together theme song.

February 28, 2021

CBC News Montreal: Interview on COVID-19 Vaccination Campaign and Seniors With Mobility Issues

Watch Vanessa Herrick, Executive Director of Seniors Action Quebec, in an interview with CBC Montreal address the mass vaccination campaign in Quebec and how a significant portion of the vulnerable population are unable to obtain the COVID Vaccine due to health complications. 

February 27, 2021

CTV News Montreal Interview: 'What About Seniors' Mental Health?': Struggles with Isolation and Fear After Almost a Year of Being Entirely Alone

The lockdown has been in place for almost a year, and many seniors are feeling lonely. Ruth Pelletier, former President of Seniors Action Quebec and volunteer, explains how the web series We're All In This Together will help seniors find light in their loneliness. 

February 24, 2021

Westmount Mag article: Prepare to Write Creatively with Christian!

Westmount Mag features episode 6 of the We're All In This Together web series. 

February 24, 2021

CBC News Montreal: Interview on COVID-19 Vaccine Rollout

Watch Vanessa Herrick, Executive Director of Seniors Action Quebec on CBC Montreal speak on the news that seniors aged 85 + will be able to receive the COVID-19 vaccine and comment on how she would like to see the group expand to include younger caregivers as well.

February 24, 2021

Press Release: New Episode of Web Series for Seniors We’re All In This Together

For immediate release

Montreal, February 24 2021

Following our last episode that inspired viewers through the personal journey of Quebec’s favorite writer Louise Penny, we are happy to announce our next episode of We’re All In This Together... on creative writing! Join us on Youtube on Friday, February 26 at 6pm for the episode launch.
Creative Writing with Christian
No writing experience necessary! Christian (from Explorations) will gently guide viewers through a fun introduction to storytelling and character development, offering tools and tips to help you develop your own unique narrative voice. So grab a pen and paper, let your inner storyteller run wild, and tune in the next episode of We're All In This Together! 
For 40 years, Explorations has been building a community centred around one common goal: learning. Explorations connects, inspires and empowers learners and educators. True to our Principles of Learning, we offer diverse programming that empower our Forever Learners to think creatively, critically and collaboratively.
Each bi-weekly episode of the 18 episode web series, directed by Montreal-based, award-winning filmmaker Bobbi Jo Hart, features entertainment, activities and conversations designed to connect with those in need of support and empathy… with a gentle reminder that we are, indeed, all in this together. Episodes released so far can easily be found on YouTube (Search keys words “We’re All In This Together Senior Web Series”) and Facebook (Search "WereAllInThisTogetherQuebec"), and are available for anyone to enjoy. 
This is also a great opportunity to take a moment to be sure that the seniors around you are able to access the internet, so that they are able to take advantage of all the online resources available to them.

Sarah G. LaForce

Seniors Action Quebec works to maintain and enhance the vitality of English-speaking Quebec seniors. All efforts will identify and address challenges and issues to promote a healthy and active lifestyle for English-speaking seniors.

The English Language Arts Network (ELAN) is a meeting place for English-language artists and cultural workers of all disciplines from every region of Quebec, where they can share expertise and resources, build audiences and alliances, seek support, advocate for their interests, and make common cause with the Francophone arts community.

February 14, 2021

CBC The National: Montreal Nursing Home Wants to Delay Coroner’s Inquest Into COVID-19 Deaths

Executive Director Vanesa Herrick discusses the upcoming public coroner’s inquiry into long-term care deaths during the first wave of the COVID-19 pandemic, most notably in the deaths that occurred at Herron.

February 11, 2021

The Montreal Gazette article: Crime Writer Louise Penny to Appear in Web Series for Quebec Seniors

Susan Schwartz of the Montreal Gazette, showcases our hour-long interview with novelist Louise Penny, in the fifth episode of our web series We’re All In this Together.

February 10, 2021

The Suburban article: Author Louise Penny the Next Guest of Popular Web Series for Seniors, We're All In This Together

Bobbi Jo Hart, the director of our We’re All In this Together web series, talks about the fifth episode of the series, featuring an exclusive interview with crime novelist Louise Penny.

February 10, 2021

Global News Montreal: Senior housing in Quebec in dwindling supply

Seniors Action Quebec Executive Director Vanessa Herrick discusses the challenges that many seniors face in finding housing in this video by Global Montreal’s Tim Sargeant.

February 8, 2021

CityLife Outaouais: English-speaking Seniors Breaking isolation

Watch Executive Director Vanessa Herrick chat about our We’re All in This Together project on MAtv ‘s City Life Outaouais with host Linton Garner

February 8, 2021

Press Release: New-York Times Bestselling Author Louise Penny Is The Guest of the  Web Series for Seniors We’re All In This Together

For Immediate Release

Montreal, February 8, 2021

The next guest on We’re All In This Together, the web series for seniors, is New-York Times bestselling author Louise Penny. On Friday, February 12, at 6 pm, don't miss our  rare interview with one of Quebec’s favourite authors, who is featured in the first episode of a series of "Author Conversations"! In the meantime, you can find a short clip promoting the episode on our Youtube page. 
"Author Conversations with Louise Penny", on We're All In This Together
Based in the Eastern Townships, Ms. Penny's captivating crime novels are centred on the work of francophone Chief Inspector Armand Gamache of the Sûreté du Québec. So settle into a comfy chair with a cup of something warm to share in her personal journey over the years, as she offers viewers empathy, self-effacing levity, and heart-warming insight into her writing process and transformative outlook on life.
Each bi-weekly episode of the 18 episode web series, directed by Montreal-based, award-winning filmmaker Bobbi Jo Hart, features entertainment, activities and conversations designed to connect with those in need of support and empathy… with a gentle reminder that we are, indeed, all in this together. Episodes can be found easily  on YouTube (Search keys words “We’re All In This Together Senior Web Series”) and Facebook (Search "WereAllInThisTogetherQuebec"), and are available for anyone to enjoy. 
This is also a great opportunity to take a moment to assure that the seniors around you are able to access the internet, so that they are able to take advantage of all the online resources available to them.


Sarah G. LaForce

Seniors Action Quebec works to maintain and enhance the vitality of English-speaking Quebec seniors. All efforts will identify and address challenges and issues to promote a healthy and active lifestyle for English-speaking seniors.

The English Language Arts Network (ELAN) is a meeting place for English-language artists and cultural workers of all disciplines from every region of Quebec, where they can share expertise and resources, build audiences and alliances, seek support, advocate for their interests, and make common cause with the Francophone arts community.

January 30, 2021

The Montreal Times article: What’s Happening in Montreal

Head on over to page 3 of the Montreal Times newspaper, to get a preview of episode 5 of our We’re All in This Together project, featuring an exclusive interview with author Louise Penny.

January 28, 2021

The Chronicle Telegraph article: ‘We’re All In This Together’ with ELAN

As part of our and the English-Language Arts Network’s web series We’re All In This Together, Quebec City’s Chronicle Telegraph discusses the launch of our Author in Conversations episode, with a rare interview with crime author novelist Louise Penny. 

January 29, 2021

The Suburban Newspaper article: Mindfulness and Movement: Episode 4 of senior web series We’re All in This Together to be released on Jan. 29

With many of us stuck at home, we can all benefit from a bit more activity. The Suburban newspaper gives a preview of episode 4 of the We’re All in This Together project, with movement and mindfulness teacher, Mariko Tanabe.

January 25, 2021

Global News Morning Montreal: Supporting Quebec’s English-speaking communities

Lorraine O’Donnell of Concordia University’s Quebec English-Speaking Communities Research Network (QUESCREN) is interviewed by Laura Casella on the new COM-Unity Project and its aim of investigating the sense of belonging in the English-speaking community.

January 19, 2021

The Suburban Newspaper article: We're All In This Together Episode #3: Art Therapy with Sarah Tevyaw

The Suburban newspaper features episode 3 of the We’re All in This Together project, a web-series co-produced between Seniors Action Quebec and the English-Language Arts Network. Follow art therapist Sarah Tevyaw as she shows you how to make a mandala and discusses the benefits of creating art.

January 16, 2021

Westmount Mag article: Louise Penny to appear on We’re All In This Together

Check out this article from Westmount Mag, showcasing our We’re All In This Together web series and our interview with renowned author Louise Penny.

January 15, 2021

Press Release: Celebrated New York Times Bestselling Author Louise Penny, on senior’s web series We’re All In This Together

For Immediate Release

Montreal, January 15, 2021

We are excited to announce that New York Times bestselling author Louise Penny will join us on our first "Author Conversations" episode of We’re All In This Together, in February 2021. As it is more important than ever to show support to the senior population of Quebec, this rare interview with one of Quebec’s most famous writers  is sure to bring comfort and smiles to all the viewers. We are inviting our audience to post their questions on the Facebook page (We’re All In This Together Quebec)  and we will ask as many as possible.
We are excited to launch the Episode #3 of the web series, Art Therapy with Sarah Tevyaw tomorrow, Friday, January 15 at 6pm. Join art therapist Sarah Tevyaw for a relaxing and fun episode to create your own mandala — a symbol of peace and purpose in cultures around the world.  Embrace your inner artist using items you have at home, as Sarah guides you through the therapeutic process step by step. The result will be a very personal work of art to brighten your home... and your spirits!
Each bi-weekly episode of the 18 episode web series, directed by Montreal-based, award-winning filmmaker Bobbi Jo Hart, features entertainment, activities and conversations designed to connect with those in need of support and empathy… with a gentle reminder that we are, indeed, all in this together. Episodes released so far can easily be found on YouTube (Search keys words “We’re All In This Together Senior Web Series”) and Facebook (Search "WereAllInThisTogetherQuebec"), and are available for anyone to enjoy. 
This is also a great opportunity to take a moment to assure that the seniors around you are able to access the internet, so that they are able to take advantage of all the online resources available to them.


Sarah G. LaForce

Seniors Action Quebec works to maintain and enhance the vitality of English-speaking Quebec seniors. All efforts will identify and address challenges and issues to promote a healthy and active lifestyle for English-speaking seniors.

The English Language Arts Network (ELAN) is a meeting place for English-language artists and cultural workers of all disciplines from every region of Quebec, where they can share expertise and resources, build audiences and alliances, seek support, advocate for their interests, and make common cause with the Francophone arts community.
We acknowledge the financial support of the Government of Canada and the Government of Quebec.

January 6, 2021

The Suburban article: “We’re All In This Together:” Community Initiative Reaches Out to English Seniors

We are so happy that our web-series We’re All in This together has caught the attention of the media!  Check out this piece from the Suburban on our very first episode! 

December 24, 2020

Sherbrooke Record article: We're All In This Together: Holiday Concert with Quebec Performers

The Sherbrooke Record showcases our We’re All In This Together web series which is co-produced with the English-Language Arts Network (ELAN). 

December 24, 2020

The Suburban article: We're All In This Together Web Series Released Second Episode Featuring Martha Wainwright

Check out the Suburban’s piece on our new web series We Are All In This Together, co-produced with the English Language Arts Network. Our second episode is a beautiful Christmas concert, showcasing local English-speaking musicians and host Martha Wainwright. 

December 21, 2020

Global Montreal Morning Interview: A New Web Series Helps Seniors Cope With Pandemic Isolation

Seniors Action Quebec Executive Director Vanessa Herrick and English Language Arts Network Quebec Executive Director Guy Rodgers are interviewed by Global News Montreal Morning host Kim Sullivan are our joint web series, We Are All In This Together.

December 20, 2020

CBC Radio Interview: Web series ‘We’re All in this Together’ aims to break isolation for seniors

Seniors Action Quebec Executive Director Vanessa Herrick is interviewed by CBC Radio’s All in a Weekend host Ainslie MacLellan, on the new web series We’re All in This Together. A collaborative project with English Language Arts Network, the web series aims to entertain seniors who are isolated due to the COVID-19 pandemic.

December 16, 2020

Press Release: A Holiday Concert  of Quebec Performers at Martha Wainwright's URSA Follows Incredibly Popular First Episode of "We're All In This Together"

For Immediate Release

Montreal, December 16 2020

“We're All In This Together,” a web series created by the English Language Arts Network and Seniors Action Quebec, is pleased to announce that our second episode, A Holiday Concert at Martha Wainwright's URSA, will be released on December 21 at 6pm. “We’re All in this Together” is a community initiative focused on reaching Quebec’s English-speaking seniors during the COVID-19 pandemic

Holiday Concert at Martha Wainwright's URSA: From Christmas and Hanukkah classics to inspirational original songs interpreted by Quebec artists, the second episode of "We're All In This Together" is a holiday concert in Martha Wainwright's intimate venue Ursa, located in Montreal's artistic Mile End neighbourhood. Performances include Grammy Award-winning jazz artist Jennifer Gasoi, gospel, jazz and soul infusions by Juno Award-winning singer/songwriter Dawn Tyler Watson, Oscar Peterson Award-winning jazz singer Susie Arioli and upbeat Celtic tunes by the prolific Solstice Trio.

Each bi-weekly episode, directed by Montreal-based, award-winning filmmaker Bobbi Jo Hart, features entertainment, activities and conversations designed to connect with  those in need of support, and remind them that we are, indeed, all in this together. Over the next nine months, we will release 18 episodes that can easily be found on YouTube and Facebook, and are available for anyone to enjoy.  The first episode, Holiday Baking:  Making Sugar Cookies with Hainya & Linda, is already out and the second episode Holiday Concert in Martha Wainwright's URSA is coming soon!  You can watch them here. 

“We are so happy to be able to bring some much-needed entertainment and support from amazing Quebec-based artists to our seniors” says Vanessa Herrick, Executive Director at Senior Action Quebec. “The response from the community so far has been overwhelmingly positive. It shows that even though we have all been through a difficult time, it is more important than ever to pull together and make sure that our loved ones know that even if we can’t be with them, we are all in this together, and they are not alone.”
In case you missed it, the first episode of "We're All In This Together" takes viewers into a Montreal family kitchen, with grandmother Hainya Wiseman and her daughter-in-law Linda, as they show viewers how to make holiday sugar cookies. They discuss personal challenges and coping mechanisms during the pandemic while they share a light-hearted and heartwarming approach to baking cookies in holiday, Hanukkah and Christmas shapes. If you are curious to find out what sugar cookies have to do with a soufflé hairstyle, don't miss this uplifting kick-off to the web series!

This is also a great opportunity to take a moment and make sure that the seniors around you are able to access the internet and take advantage of all of the online resources out there for them.


Sarah G. LaForce

Seniors Action Quebec works to maintain and enhance the vitality of English-speaking Quebec seniors. All efforts will identify and address challenges and issues to promote a healthy and active lifestyle for English-speaking seniors.

The English Language Arts Network (ELAN) is a meeting place for English-language artists and cultural workers of all disciplines from every region of Quebec, where they can share expertise and resources, build audiences and alliances, seek support, advocate for their interests, and make common cause with the Francophone arts community.

December 11, 2020

Montreal Gazette article: Pub Nights and Book Clubs Will be Part of a By-Seniors, For-Seniors Web Series

The Montreal Gazette writes a feature article on the We’re All In This Together project, a collaboration Seniors Action Quebec and English Language Arts Network (ELAN)

December 11, 2020

Westmount Mag article: We’re All In This Together Reaches Out to Seniors

Westmount Mag showcases our We’re All In This Together project, an 18 episode web series produced by Seniors Action Quebec English Language Arts Network (ELAN) 

December 8, 2020

Press Release: Launch of Project We Are All In This Together

For immediate release

Montreal, December 2020
“We're All In This Together” is a collaboration between the English Language Arts Network and Seniors Action Quebec, and a community initiative to reach Quebec’s English-speaking seniors during the COVID-19 pandemic.  We are creating a webserie for seniors to help them battle isolation and fear during these difficult times.  These bi-weekly episodes, directed by Montreal-based, award-winning filmmaker Bobbi Jo Hart, are going to feature entertainment, activities and conversations designed to reach out to those in need of support and remind them that we are, indeed, all in this together.

For the next nine months, we will be releasing 18 episodes that will be easily found on YouTube and Facebook for anyone who wants to enjoy them.  Even if you aren’t a senior but you know one, watch the series together! The first episode, Holiday Baking:  Making Sugar Cookies with Hainya & Linda, will be live this Friday, December 11 at 4PM. You will be able to watch it here. 

“We are so happy to be able to bring some much needed entertainment and support from amazing Quebec-based artists to our seniors” says Vanessa Herrick, Executive Director at Senior Action Quebec. “We have all been through a difficult time  and it is more important than ever to pull together and make sure that our loved ones know that even if we can’t be with them, we are all in this together, and they are not alone.”

This  is also a great opportunity to take a moment and make sure that the seniors around you are able to access the internet and take advantage of all of the online resources out there for them.

Episode 1: 
Holiday Baking:  Making Sugar Cookies with Hainya & Linda

The first episode of "We're All In This Together" takes viewers into a Montreal family kitchen, with grandmother Hainya. Wiseman and her daughter-in-law Linda, as they show viewers how to make holiday sugar cookies. They discuss personal challenges and coping mechanisms during the pandemic while they share a light-hearted and heartwarming approach to baking cookies in holiday, Hanukkah and Christmas shapes. If you are curious to find out what sugar cookies have to do with a soufflé hairstyle, don't miss this uplifting kick-off to the web series! 


Episode 2:
Holiday Concert Special at Martha Wainright's intimate venue Ursa

From Christmas and Hanukkah classics to inspirational original songs interpreted by Quebec artists, the second episode of "We're All In This Together" is a holiday concert in Martha Wainwright's intimate venue Ursa, located in Montreal's artistic Mile End neighbourhood. Performances include Grammy Award-winning jazz artist Jennifer Gasoi, gospel, jazz and soul infusions by Juno Award-winning singer/songwriter Dawn Tyler Watson, Oscar Peterson Award-winning jazz singer Susie Arioli and upbeat Celtic tunes by the prolific Solstice Trio.

Sarah G. LaForce

Seniors Action Quebec works to maintain and enhance the vitality of English-speaking Quebec seniors. All efforts will identify and address challenges and issues to promote a healthy and active lifestyle for English-speaking seniors.

The English Language Arts Network (ELAN) is a meeting place for English-language artists and cultural workers of all disciplines from every region of Quebec, where they can share expertise and resources, build audiences and alliances, seek support, advocate for their interests, and make common cause with the Francophone arts community.

September 23, 2020

Investigation Reports into Sainte-Dorothée and Herron CHSLDs- Ministers Blais and Dubé are Taking Action to Prevent Similar Situations from Happening Again

Cabinet of the Minister Responsible for Seniors and Informal Caregivers
QUÉBEC, Sept. 23rd 2020 /CNW Telbec/ - The Minister responsible for Seniors and Informal Caregivers, Marguerite Blais, and the Minister of Health and Social Services, Christian Dubé, have released investigation reports on the events that took place in the Sainte-Dorothée and Herron long-term care centres (CHSLDs) last spring. In so doing, they recalled the many actions that have taken place over the past few months to ensure that similar situations never happen again.

It should be noted that in the case of the CHSLD Herron, the investigation report mentions issues pre-dating the pandemic, exacerbated by the context of the crisis, such as the response time in private residences. In the case of CHSLD Sainte-Dorothée, the report finds that the institution offers quality care and services. Technical issues and a lack of personnel contributed to the unfortunate situation experienced at this facility. 

The reports on the Sainte-Dorothée and Herron residences were filed in June and July, respectively. Prior to their public release, an in-depth analysis of the recommendations was conducted, and actions were implemented to ensure more effective protection of the seniors housed in these facilities. In fact, the work that was carried out in response to the investigation reports served as the cornerstone in the development of an action plan for a second wave of COVID-19.


"It is clear to us that the pandemic alone does not justify what has happened. The lessons we have learned from the first wave will ensure that we never again experience human tragedies such as the ones we experienced last spring. The investigation reports we are unveiling today will be used to better care for our seniors and vulnerable populations in the Herron and Sainte-Dorothée CHSLDs as well as in all living environments in Québec."

Marguerite Blais, Minister responsible for Seniors and Informal Caregivers 

"The pandemic has exposed existing gaps in the network. The reports from the investigation carried out at the Herron and Sainte-Dorothée CHSLDs attest to this. The government has responded quickly to the findings presented in these reports. Not only have the major changes undertaken served to prepare us for the second wave, our actions are sustainable, and their benefits will continue well after the pandemic. "

Christian Dubé, Minister of Health and Social Services


Over the last few months, a number of concrete measures have been put in place to ensure the safety of people living in various residences for seniors, particularly CHSLDs, and considerable work is underway to improve the quality of care and services offered in these facilities.

Some of the measures deployed in all CHSLDs following the recommendations of the investigation reports of the Sainte-Dorothée and Herron residences include:

  • Modifying the management structure in CHSLDs. From now on, each facility will be required to have a dedicated manager (currently under way).
  • Pursuing work with partner ministries to find sustainable solutions to labour shortages:
    • In an unprecedented campaign, the government was able to add more than 7,000 beneficiary attendants in long-term care facilities, to which 3,000 will be added this fall.
    • The Je contribue initiative has made it possible to hire more than 21,000 workers, 11,000 of whom are still employed.
  • The June release of the Action Plan to strengthen and ensure the implementation of Infection Prevention and Control (ICP) measures in living, accommodation, and rehabilitation settings:
    • This approach aims mainly at setting up intervention teams and ICP trainers. Ultimately, more than 15,000 "champions" responsible for implementing ICP measures will be trained.
  • Clarifying roles and responsibilities for infection prevention and control in public and private settings.
  • Reviewing the transmission process of ministerial directives and improving their outreach within institutions and partners (currently underway).
  • Setting up a Committee for Medical Services in Residential Settings (completed and currently underway).
  • Grading of the measures to be adopted in the various residential facilities, including CHSLDs, according to the alert levels by region (currently underway).
  • Upgrading and deploying the technological infrastructure and implementing an IT solution to enable better monitoring of symptoms by the care team and doctors at a distance (currently underway).
  • Clarifying the roles and responsibilities of private CHSLDs and private residences, both in a health emergency context and in a regular context (currently underway).
  • The converting of private CHSLD residences into public CHSLDs (currently underway).
  • Tabling of Bill 52 entitled An Act to strengthen the complaint examination process of the health and social services network, for users receiving services from private institutions (bill tabled and currently being studied by a parliamentary committee).
June 19, 2020

CBC Radio Interview: Residents in CHSLDs Set to Receive Visitors

Vanessa Herrick, Executive Director of Seniors Action Quebec sits down with Quebec AM guest host Peter Tardif, to discuss the decision made by CHSLDs to reopen their doors to visitors.

June 18, 2020

CBC Radio Interview: CHSLDs Reopen

Vanessa Herrick, Executive Director of Seniors Action Quebec sits down with Sabrina Marandola on CBC Radio’s Let’S Go, to discuss the decision allowing families to visit seniors in long-term care residences (CHSLDs).

April 17, 2020

Seniors Action Quebec Statement on Situation at Residence Herron

Seniors Action Quebec (SAQ) is pleased to learn that criminal and coroner investigations will be launched into the events around the disastrous failure to care for extremely vulnerable seniors at CHSLD Herron in Dorval Quebec that came to light last week.

SAQ strongly encourages that community members be involved in the investigation as observers to ensure that there is transparency in the process and that the community partners are made aware of what happened in this particular case. We have offered to act in this role and in any other capacity that could help support the process of investigation.

It is critical that any lessons that can be learned from the events at CHSLD Herron be shared as widely as possible so that others may learn from the mistakes made. It will also help inform the public as to what the priority issues are, and how we may be able to better support those working with our seniors in the future.

There has been swift reaction from both the CAQ government and the public health sector in response to the Covid 19 pandemic to collaborate with seniors’ residences and ensure that those that are struggling will be provided support. There has also been a request for help from those with health care training to step up and assist in the CHSLDs. We echo this call and strongly encourage those who can provide assistance, please do so.

You can offer assistance at the website

We will be holding the Quebec government to their commitment to reform the senior residence/long-term care housing system.

The impact of Covid-19 on Quebec’s senior population is far from over. We are facing what Premier Legault is calling “a national emergency,” and it is our shared responsibility to help those most at risk in our society.

It cannot be said enough, without public assistance and support we are facing the possibility that things will not improve as quickly as they should. We must com e together at this critical time to ensure that our seniors are protected.

Vanessa Herrick, Executive Director 514- 445 - 8519

April 6, 2020

COVID-19 and Nursing Homes

Vanessa Herrick, Executive Director, weighs in on the Quebec government supporting people who decide to remove seniors from nursing homes during the COVID-19 pandemic.

December 13, 2019

Our ED on TV!

Vanessa Herrick, Executive Director, talks about Services for the elderly on MAtv's CityLife, hosted by Richard Dagenais.